
Clean Out Closet Clutter -- Organize Your Life!

I devoted my newsletter recently to the concept of cleaning out your closet.  How many of you actually did it?  If you haven't done it yet, ask yourself --

Why Not?

Because it is hard to let go!

I know it is difficult to get rid of clothes that you purchased and had a good reason for the purchase at the time.  It's the money you spent, the time, the memory of wearing the clothing, the attachment, etc., etc.

I had a girlfriend come over to my house and help me remove the clothes I never wear.  I'm going to sell the clothes at a local resale shop.  Do I miss the clothes?

Not one bit!!


Because I wasn't wearing the clothes anyway!!! 

So, start today, make a plan, set a date and time, grab a girlfriend or boyfriend who will tell you the truth, and

Just Do It!!!

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